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Everything Thing You Need to Know about Qatar’s National Sports Day

Did you know that Qatar is one of only three countries in the world that celebrates Sports Day as a national holiday? The other two are Malaysia and Japan. In Qatar, Sports Day is observed every second Tuesday of February and this year, on 14th February, it will be no different.

The objective of this special occasion is to promote a healthy lifestyle among the residents of Qatar. On this day, everyone is encouraged to participate in physical activities such as yoga, running, exercising, and playing various sports, to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Numerous public and private offices, educational institutions, communities, and societies, organize fun-filled activities on this National Sports Day in Qatar. So, whether you are a resident or an expat in Qatar, get ready to join in on the festivities and stay active and healthy!

History of National Sports Day in Qatar

National Sports Day holds a special place in the hearts of the Qatari people. Every year on the second Tuesday of February, the country celebrates this day with great enthusiasm. The Emiri Decree No. 80 2011 signed by HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Deputy Emir and Heir Apparent, declared it a public holiday. This means, people get a day off to focus solely on their health and fitness.

This day is part of Qatar's National Vision for 2030. The goal is to create a healthier and happier population by promoting physical and psychological well-being. So, instead of just sitting on the couch and watching TV, grab your friends and family, head outside and participate in some fun sports activities! Trust us, you won't regret it!

Activities that Had Taken Place Last Year during Qatar Sports Day

Last year this national holiday was celebrated on 8th February. Below we have listed down a few activities that people had participated in during last year’s national sports day:

·         Football matches

·         Yoga

·         Group exercises

·         Miniature golf

·         Running and walking along Qatar’s palm lined corniche

·         Croquet

·         Tug of war

·         Ten-pin bowling

This year even you can take inspiration from such activities from last year and participate in such activities with your colleagues, friends, family and other acquaintances. Furthermore, you can also take part in a few activities which will be held in Qatar this year.

Top Activities You Can Participate in Qatar’s National Sports Day

If you are new in Qatar or a just unsure of what to do this year for Sports day in Qatar, then here are a few top activities which will be held in Qatar this year:

1.      Participate in various sporting activities held by Qatar Foundation$web/app/media/QF%20Events%20-%20National%20Sports%20Day%204-9.jpg

This year, the Qatar Foundation is taking National Sports Day to the next level! They're hosting a range of sporting activities across seven different locations in Qatar, open to people of all ages. Get ready to join in on the fun and try your hand at tennis, participate in a thrilling treasure hunt, enjoy a relaxing yoga session, compete in a friendly game of tug of war, take a pony ride, support autistic children in their football matches, and more!

And that's not all, these locations will also have a farmer's market where you can stock up on healthy ingredients and delicious food to take home with you at the end of the day. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just looking to have some fun and stay active, the Qatar Foundation has got you covered. The seven locations hosting these amazing events are Oxygen Park, Recreation Centre, Green Spine, Al Shaqab, Ceremonial Court, Education City: the HBKU Student Center, and the golf course. So, mark your calendars and get ready for a day of fun, fitness, and adventure!

2.      Go for a run at the Aspire Zone

Get ready for a day of fun and fitness with the Fun Run held by Aspire Zone! This beloved event is back and open to everyone in Qatar, from men, women, kids, seniors, and individuals with special needs. The Fun Run is just one of many exciting activities taking place at the Aspire Zone. You can also enjoy dodgeball, beach soccer, synchronized swimming, Zumba, and much more!

To join in on the Fun Run excitement, all you have to do is head to the Khalifa International Stadium. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just looking for a fun and active day, the Fun Run is the perfect event for you. So, gather your friends and family and come on down to the Aspire Zone for a day of fun, fitness, and adventure!

3.      Try cycling at Lido Venezia Beach, Qanat Quartier, The Pearl

The Pearl is hosting an array of fun-filled sporting activities this year in collaboration with the Qatar Olympic Committee. One of the most popular events is the exciting cycling race, but there's plenty more to enjoy with friends and family at the Lido Venezia Beach. Whether you're looking to participate or just cheer on others, make sure you mark your calendars for this unforgettable day.

4.      Join in the Fun Run Marathon

Lace up your sneakers, it's time to run for a cause! The annual Qatar Fun Run marathon is back and hosted by AFG College in association with the University of Aberdeen and NBK Holding. All proceeds from this event will go towards Education Above All, making your participation more impactful.

Not only will you have a great time running, but you may also win exciting prizes. And the fun doesn't stop there, there will be activities specially designed for kids, so the whole family can join in on the excitement. Don't miss this opportunity to support a great cause while having a blast with your loved ones.

5.      Try something new at Losail Circuit

Ladies, it's time to break free and have some fun! During this year's National Sports Day holiday in Qatar, the Losail Circuit has exclusively announced events just for women. This is the perfect opportunity for those who value their privacy and want to enjoy the sports day to the fullest.

No need to worry about dressing up, as there will be designated booths where you can check in your abayas and participate in various fun-filled activities, such as bicycle rides, workshops on healthy living, fitness courses, and much more. Get ready to bond with other women, improve your fitness, and have a fantastic time! Don't miss this opportunity to make the most of this holiday.

6.  Show some support and love to Qatar Animal Welfare Society’s PatACat and JogADog

If you are an animal lover, then you must attend this event during the Sports Day Holiday 2023. You will be able to get in shape while exercising around cute puppies and kittens. This event is a great way to spend your holiday while getting fit.

7.      Visit Katara to participate in “Koora Time”

Koora Time is an award winning corporate social responsibility initiative from Qatar Shell and Qatar Football Association. During this CSR programme individuals can participate in various football related activities like “Dive and Save” which is a goalkeeping competition. Other than football matches and competitions you can try out various different activities like aerobics, billiards and bowling.

Ways to Continue Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Even After Qatar Sports Day

No doubt the National Sports Day is a great initiative from the government’s behalf to promote healthy lifestyle so that they can create more awareness and reduce lifestyle diseases like chronic heart disease, obesity and diabetes. However, being active only for one day in a year is not enough. If you want to keep the momentum of leading a healthy lifestyle, then below are a few things that you can do to incorporate physical activities in your lifestyle:

·     Avoid sitting at one place for far too long. You can alternate between siting and standing while doing your daily tasks.

·     If you are speaking on your phone then get up and move about the entire period.

·   You can also park your vehicle further away from your actually destination so that you can increase the number of steps you have walked.

·     Try participating in household chores like cleaning and cooking.

·     You can also set a reminder on your mobile phones which will then remind you to stand up and stretch after every five minutes.

·      If you have kids at home then you can play with them.

·     Try using a smart watch or an online application so that you can monitor your steps throughout the day.

·   If you are one of those people who prefers to stay indoors then you can take the help of resources you can find on social media like YouTube and practice various kinds of home workouts.

In conclusion, National Sports Day in Qatar is all about promoting wellness and a healthy lifestyle. So, gear up and join the masses of sports enthusiasts in this much-anticipated celebration. Make your Sports Day experience truly memorable by booking your tickets with Mannai Travel, the experts in luxury travel. With our specialized services, you're guaranteed an upscale and unforgettable vacation experience. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your Sports Day celebration - book now with Mannai Travel!



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